Identifying Registrants

Psychologists have met educational, post-degree supervised experience, and Board examination requirements for registration as psychologists.  Until 5 March, 2011, psychologists could be registered on the basis of a masters or doctoral degree; since 5 March, 2011 a doctoral degree has been required for first-time registration.    Register of Psychologists

Psychologist Candidates have met doctoral educational requirements for registration as psychologists.  They are undergoing post-degree supervised practice and have yet to complete all Board examination requirements for registration as psychologists.
Register of Psychologist Candidates

Psychological Associates have met masters educational requirements, post-degree supervised experience, and Board examination requirements for registration as psychological associates.             Register of Psychological Associates

Psychological Associate Candidates have met masters educational requirements for registration as psychological associates.  They are undergoing post-degree supervised practice and have yet to complete all Board examination requirements for registration as psychological associates.  Register of Psychological Associate Candidates

Professional Psychology Corporations are corporations controlled by psychologists and/or psychological associates and have met requirements for registration as professional psychology corporations.
Register of Professional Psychology Corporations